Course curriculum

A week-by-week guide to how to raise emotionally well-adjusted puppies for breeders. This course will provide you with all the information and skills you need to ensure your litter is as good as it possibly can be. Puppies raised using these methods are set up for life and are much more likely to be confident, happy, and reach their full potential.

  • 1

    CHAPTER ONE Welcome to the Programme

    • How to use this course

    • What does u-TICC Stand for?

    • Our promise to you

    • Welcome to the the course

    • Why should you complete this course?

    • What problems will the programme help prevent?

    • Laws relating to breeding in the UK

    • Quick Survey

  • 2

    CHAPTER TWO Problem Prevention by Teaching Life Skills

    • Preventing Emotional and Behavioural Problems CHANGE AUDIO

    • 1. Building bonds with people

    • 2. Body Handling

    • 3. Mental Enrichment and Stimulating the Senses

    • 4. Calmness and crate/mat training

    • 5. Play

    • 5a. Positive Effects of Play DOWNLOAD

    • 6. Chew Training and Food Etiquette

    • 7. Toilet Training

    • 8. Environmental Enrichment

    • 9. Proprioception

    • 10. Life Skills Training

    • 11. Self-control/self-regulation

    • What can go wrong?

    • Test your Learning - Problem Prevention and Teaching Life Skills

  • 3

    CHAPTER THREE Personality, Character and Temperament

    • The Dominance Myth

    • Breed Traits

    • Extrovert and Introvert Personalities

    • Temperament

    • Gender biased litters

    • Traits associated with personality

    • Avoid inflexible labels

    • Matching puppies to new guardians

    • Test your Learning - Personality, Character, and Temperament

  • 4

    CHAPTER FOUR Canine Body Language

    • Observing Canine Body Language

    • Test your Learning - Canine Body Language

  • 5

    CHAPTER FIVE The Prenatal Period - Conception to Birth

    • The Prenatal Period

    • Build a whelping box

    • Preparing for regular weighing

    • Setting up a camera

    • Prepare a 'Caring for the Puppies Schedule'

    • Imprinting and Bonding

    • Mum's additional nutritional requirements

    • The Puppies' nutritional requirements (and preparing for emergencies)

    • Sensory area or garden

    • Test your Learning - Prenatal Period

  • 6

    CHAPTER SIX The Neonatal Period - Weeks One and Two

    • The Neonatal Period

    • Priorities for Weeks One and Two

    • The Birth

    • Bonding and Imprinting takes place

    • Mum's immediate needs

    • The puppies' immediate needs

    • Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS)

    • Picking up the puppies - give it a name!

    • The puppies' physical development

    • Mum cleaning up after the puppies (if you are new to breeding this might be a surprise)

    • Test your Learning - Neonatal Period

  • 7

    CHAPTER SEVEN The Transitional Period - Week Three

    • The Transitional Period

    • Priorities for Week Three

    • 'Sounds Sociable' Dogs Trust Booklet

    • How the puppies learn bite inhibition

    • Test your Learning - Transitional Period

  • 8

    CHAPTER EIGHT The Socialisation Period - Week Four

    • The Socialisation or 'Sensitive' Period with so many priorities!

    • Priorities for Week Four

    • Advertising and the law

    • Feeding from individual bowls

    • Recall Training

    • Test your Learning - Socialisation Period (Week Four)

  • 9

    CHAPTER NINE The Socialisation Period - Week Five

    • Priorities for Week Five

    • Enquiries from prospective new guardians and matching a puppy to their requirements

    • How do people choose a puppy from a litter?

    • Consider a Puppy Contract

    • Test your Learning - Socialisation Period (Week Five)

  • 10

    CHAPTER TEN The Socialisation Period - Week Six

    • Still in the Socialisation Period

    • Priorities for Week Six

    • Capturing Calmness and Teaching the Puppies How to Settle

    • An Introduction to Appropriate Exercise and Anatomy

    • Environmental enrichment

    • DOWNLOAD List of Items Poisonous to Dogs (from the Dogs Trust)

    • Test your Learning Socialisation Period (Week Six)

  • 11

    CHAPTER ELEVEN The Socialisation Period - Week Seven

    • Priorities for Week Seven

    • Consequences of taking a pup away from Mum before 8 weeks of age

    • Travelling in the Car

    • Taking unvaccinated puppies out

    • Start preparing your New Puppy Packs

    • Test your Learning - Socialisation Period (Week Seven)

  • 12

    CHAPTER TWELVE The Socialisation Period - Week Eight

    • Priorities for Week Eight

    • Protecting puppies after their vaccines

    • Prepare your New Puppy Pack contents

    • 1. The Socialisation and Habituation Problem Prevention Activities Checklist

    • 2. The New Puppy Guardian Guide to Socialisation & Habituation Handout

    • 3. Day One Advice for New Puppy Guardians Handout


Canine Professional

June Pennell

My name is June Pennell, and I am a Certified Canine Behaviourist and Trainer based in Wiltshire, UK. I am a proud member of the following professional organisations whose aim is to ensure members adhere to the most modern, scientifically proven, positive methodologies. * The UK Dog Behaviour & Training Charter * The Pet Professional Guild * The Association of INTODogs, and * ICAN: International Companion Animal Network Dogs have been the inspiration for my incredible journey over the last 12 years. Having dogs most of my life didn’t help much when I adopted an unsocialised and resource-guarding, 3-year-old Rottweiler. So, I hit the books and internet, and I studied. I studied hard and yes, I turned the Rottie around, and he became a fantastic ambassador for the breed. All this study led to my second career and to me becoming a fully certified canine behaviourist and trainer and I have now had the pleasure of working with scores of dogs. My personal business is now called 'Dog Only Knows' and it is called this because I feel that dogs are the only real expert on dogs there are. The rest of us, well, we need to be detectives; listen, observe, and look for the data that can help us understand what the dog is trying to tell us with their behaviour. Only then can we make the changes necessary to bring harmony back to the relationship and help the dog overcome their challenges and fears. In 2016, I became a tutor for an international school for canine psychology and behaviour teaching students right up to degree level. Shortly after, I became the principal, director, and co-owner of the same school and I am immensely proud to have been involved in the education of many of today's professional canine behaviour practitioners and trainers around the world. Now, with my good friend and fellow professional, Lizzie Morris, we have launched a new venture. u-TICC (which stands for ‘you teach intelligent canine companions’) has problem prevention at the core of all our comprehensive programmes for professionals, breeders, and pet dog owners. All our programmes and short courses have been designed with compassionate and scientifically up-to-date methods. We look to empower professionals, breeders, pet parents and their puppies and dogs, not only to learn more but to want to do better because they will always know they are on the right track. We only ever use scientifically proven, modern, positive, force-free and rewards-based methods.